Estonian students' thoughts on school sports opportunities outside



There is a lot to do in the school yard, such as running, long jump, football, crossing an obstacle course, playing basketball, crossing a bike path or just climbing on a playground. But if it is not enough, it is possible to go and run around the pond – this is a longer distance. These opportunities are mainly used in physical education class.

(Tristan, 9th class)

There are quite a few sports opportunities in and around the school yard. There are climbing opportunities, various fields for ball games and running opportunities. Those are used in physical education classes, very rarely in other subject classes. They could be used more by other teachers as this would be a variation from a crowded classroom. Attempts are made to do as many physical education classes outdoors as there are more opportunities and students can be in the fresh air.

(Mirelle, 9th class)

Sports facilities in or near the school yard are used during PE classes. In the school yard are ball fields, a running track and a long jump track. In addition, a circle outside the school yard and a pond-circle near the school are used to run longer land.

(Rasmus, 9th class)



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